V-ed(過去分詞), V-ing(現在分詞



be interested in:對‧‧‧感到興趣。
例: My daughter is interested in love story movies.
be interesting ( to 人):‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到有興趣。
例 :Love story movies are interesting to my daughter.


be bored with:對‧‧‧感到厭煩。
例 :He's bored with eating the same food for breakfast every morning.
be boring ( to 人):‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到厭煩。
例 :It is boring to him to eat the same food for breakfast every morning.


be excited about:對‧‧‧感到興奮。
例: Those people were excited about the baseball game on Sunday.
be exciting ( to 人):‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到興奮。
例 :The baseball game on Sunday was exciting to those people.


be surprised at:對‧‧‧感到驚訝。
例 :Mr. Liu is surprised at his son's high grades on the math test.
be surprising (to 人):‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到有趣。
例 :Mr. Liu's son's high grades on the math test are surprising to Mr. Liu.


be tired of:對‧‧‧感到厭倦、厭煩。
例 :She's tired of practicing playing the piano every day.
be tiring( to 人):‧‧‧對 (人) 來說,令人感到厭倦。
例 :It is tiring to her to practice playing the piano every day.


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